Saturday, February 11, 2012

Beautiful Badass ? Lift Like a Girl | Health and Fitness

Beautiful Badass ? Lift Like a GirlAllow me to be blunt ? I am not here to BS you and claim that I have discovered ?the holy grail? of training programs and nutrition. I am not going to tell you it?s possible to transform your body overnight. I am not going to attempt to convince you that I have discovered something ?magical, revolutionary, and top secret?. We all know such claims are complete and total BS.

I am, however, going to reveal to you the programs and no nonsense information I have used with my clients for years that never fail to produce incredible body transforming results. Yes, real people have actually performed these programs and used the accompanying information.

Beautiful Badass ? [byoo-tuh-fuhl bad-ass] A female that lifts heavy weights, trains primarily with big compound movements such as deadlifts, squats, presses, push-ups, and chin-ups and focuses on getting stronger and improving her performance. A woman who isn?t afraid of getting stronger in the gym and stepping out of her comfort zone by challenging herself on a regular basis. She does not use shaping and toning exercises performed with baby weights for high reps. She is a sight to see working away in the gym and she carries that same sense of achievement and confidence outside of the gym as well.

A Beautiful Badass knows it takes consistent work and dedication to build a healthier, better looking body and that it doesn?t happen overnight. Because she trains hard and eats smart, she builds a strong, lean, and healthy body that increases her self confidence. The Beautiful Badass is armed with the necessary information to get maximum results in minimum time.

In addition, the Beautiful Badass does not diet because she follows simple, no nonsense nutrition information that allows her to build a better looking, stronger, leaner, and healthier body without any stressful diet information.

Simply put, Beautiful Badass is for the woman who wants real results from training. She demands simple, no nonsense, stress-free information she can apply to her strength training, nutrition and life. It?s also for the woman who wants a wide variety of training programs.

Now that you know who should get Beautiful Badass, let?s take a look at who should not get Beautiful Badass:

Beautiful Badass is not a ?creation?. It is a collection of the most effective information and training programs I have used over the years with my clients. And my clients demand maximum results in minimum time.

I have a goal ? to help as many women as possible build the body they want in a simple, no nonsense way. I can only train so many people every day and consult with individuals online. By compiling all of the information and training programs I use with my clients into one package, I can help many more women.

I also understand that most people cannot afford to hire me either in person or via an online consultation ? and that is why I am releasing Beautiful Badass.

Kellie Davis Natural Figure Competitor Owner and author of Head Content Developer and Marketing Coordinator for Ignite Naturals

Beautiful Badass is packed with 16 Training Programs. Notice I said 16 programs, not 16 weeks worth of programs. You will be able to train for years without repeating the same training program twice.

I included all of my favorite and most effective training programs in Beautiful Badass. I guarantee most of them are unlike anything you have ever seen or tried.

With 19 training programs, you can go for years without repeating the same program twice! It doesn?t matter what your goal is ? get stronger, lose body fat, etc ? there are programs in Beautiful Badass that will allow you to achieve your goals.

The Beautiful Badass Guide ? This manual contains everything you need to know about how to strength train like a Beautiful Badass, how to eat like a Beautiful Badass, and everything previously mentioned above, and much more.

Video Series ? The Beautiful Badass Video Series is a collection of videos that demonstrates and explains how to safely and properly perform every exercise in the Beautiful Badass training programs.

Knowing how to properly perform every exercise ensures that you will get the best results possible from each and every exercise. Too many women don?t know how to properly perform most exercises, and therefore they don?t get results.

Also included in the video series is a demonstration video that shows and explains how to make bodyweight exercises easier and more difficult. (Please note ? the videos are embedded within the eBook.)

19 Unique Beautiful Badass Training Programs ? No matter what your primary goal may be or how many days per week you can train; you will find numerous training programs to choose from. Whether you want fat loss or improved strength on the main barbell lifts, there are numerous programs to choose from. You can even train two, three, or four days per week. It?s entirely up to you and your schedule.

I am not going to BS you on the price. I?m not going to tell you how many cups of coffee you could get for the price of Beautiful Badass and all of that other marketing nonsense.

I will, however, say this. To train with me in person would cost almost $100 per session. And an online consultation would cost over $300 per month.

My main goal is simple and honest ? help as many women as possible build leaner, stronger, and healthier bodies.

For now I am selling Beautiful Badass for only $47. Will the price go up again? Yeah, it could happen. But I?m not going to lie to you and say it?s going up tomorrow if that?s not really what?s going to happen.

I am not here to beg for your money or deceit you. Yes, I want you to buy Beautiful Badass? because the information and programs will show you how to build the healthy, strong, lean, and sexy body you want. Beautiful Badass? will end a? Read more?

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