Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sun-powered plane waits for better weather to continue trip

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Got nectar? To hawkmoths, humidity is a cue

ScienceDaily (May 30, 2012) ? Humidity emanating from a flower's nectar stores tells a moth if the flower is worth a visit, research led by a UA entomologist has discovered.

Until about 140 million years ago, dinosaurs had been munching their way through a uniformly green plant world. What happened then is one of evolution's greatest success stories, heralding a new kind of ecological relationship that would transform the planet: The first flowers appeared, competing for the attention of animals to visit them and distribute their pollen to other flowers to ensure the plant's propagation.

The myriad of ways in which flowers attract pollinators have been studied since the beginning of biology, and few ecological relationships between organisms are as well understood as those between plants and their pollinators.

Despite decades of research, a team led by Martin von Arx, a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Goggy Davidowitz in the University of Arizona department of entomology, now has discovered a previously unknown sensory channel that is used in plant-animal interactions.

The white-lined sphinx (Hyles lineata), the most common species of hawkmoth in North America, can detect minuscule differences in humidity when hovering near a flower that tells it if there is enough nectar inside to warrant a visit.

The findings constitute the first documented case of a pollinator using humidity as a direct cue in its foraging behavior and are published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The study, "Floral humidity as a reliable sensory cue for profitability assessment by nectar-foraging hawkmoths," is co-authored by Davidowitz and Joaqu?n Goyret and Robert Raguso at the department of neurobiology and behavior at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, where the work was carried out.

"Traditionally, most research on plant-pollinator interactions has focused on static cues like floral scent, color or shape," von Arx said. "All this time, evaporation from nectar was right under our noses, but few people ever looked. We were able to show that the insects actually perceive this cue, and it allows them to directly assess the reward that they might get from the flower."

Unlike previously recognized cues used by pollinators such as flower size, shape or color, which don't necessarily reveal anything about the actual nectar levels waiting inside, the humidity evaporating from the flower's nectar provides an "honest" signal to a potential visitor. Scent, for example, is independent of nectar, which is odorless in most plants, whereas the fragrance usually is produced by the petals.

"We were always intrigued by this question," von Arx said. "Given that the known cues like flower shape and color are independent of the abundance of nectar, we were wondering if there is some other cue the insects might use. You would expect natural selection to favor an ability to sense a cue that is directly linked to the nectar reward."

To a hawkmoth setting out at dusk to search for nectar-bearing flowers of one of its favorite plants, the tufted evening primrose (Oenothera cespitosa), being able to quickly tell whether a flower is worth visiting, can make the difference between life and death.

Hovering in front of a flower while probing it with its long proboscis -- the moth's "tongue" -- is one of the most energetically costly modes of flight, von Arx explained. And once the insect plunges its head deep inside to reach all of the nectar, it is very vulnerable to predators such as bats.

"The metabolic cost of hovering in hawkmoths is more than 100 times that of a moth at rest," said Davidowitz. "This is the most costly mode of locomotion ever measured. An individual hawkmoth may spend 5-10 seconds evaluating whether a flower has nectar, multiply that by hundreds of flowers visited a night, and the moth is expending a huge amount of energy searching for nectar that may not be there. The energy saved by avoiding such behavior can go into making more eggs. For a moth that lives only about a week, that is a very big deal."

Add to that the "Black Friday" effect: fierce competition for limited supplies while they last.

"Imagine: As soon as the sun sets, all the hawkmoths fly around flower patches in the desert," von Arx said. "These flowers open within minutes of each other, and as soon as they do, the moths go there. A big flower patch or a plant with multiple flowers might attract many moths at the same time, so it's very important for an individual to pick the most profitable one very quickly."

The research group first measured humidity levels around a nectar-bearing flower by enclosing primrose plants in a sealed container and scanning the air inside with highly sensitive humidity measuring devices called hygrometers. They found that humidity just above the opening flower was slightly higher than ambient levels, caused partly by a plume of water vapor emanating from the flower's nectar tube.

To study whether and how moths respond to the humidity evaporating from nectar stores, the research team put artificial flowers -- to exclude any other potential signal other than humidity levels -- in a flight cage large enough for the moths to fly about freely.

Even though none of the artificial flowers had nectar, the moths would preferentially hover and extend their proboscis into those that had slightly elevated humidity compared with those that matched the humidity around them. The animals were able to sense if humidity near a flower was elevated as little as 4 percent above ambient humidity in the flight cage, despite of the turbulence generated by many moths hovering about.

"It was really exciting to see their high sensitivity to humidity in that they can perceive such a minute amount of difference in such a dynamic environment," von Arx said.

The results help researchers better understand the ecological relationships between flowers and their pollinators, especially in arid environments such as the Southwestern U.S.

Even though most plant-pollinator relationships are mutually beneficial -- the plant rewarding the pollinator's help with food -- their interests are conflicting.

"Speaking in evolutionary terms, the flower wants to be visited by a pollinator, but it doesn't want to invest too much because sacrificing resources and energy to make nectar is expensive," von Arx explained. "Often, plants are dishonest in their advertising, by presenting attractive flowers with no nectar."

But under certain circumstances, especially in desert environments, where water is scarce, it is beneficial for a flower to be honest, the researchers believe.

"If you're one of only a few flowers and there are lots of pollinators out there, you don't have to be honest about how much nectar you have because they'll visit anyway," von Arx said. "But if you want the attention of just a few, you really have to go all out. So by saying, 'Hey, come here, I have lots of nectar,' you're giving a faithful signal about an actual benefit that the pollinators can perceive and evaluate."

"I think in this case we showed that honesty makes sense in this system, because plants pollinated by hawkmoths are often pollinator-limited, and this signal, especially in the desert environment, is very potent."

According to von Arx, relative humidity plays an important role in the insect world and has been associated with choosing a suitable habitat but never was studied in the context of foraging for nectar. For example, neurobiological experiments revealed that cockroaches are able to detect humidity changes of a fraction of a percent.

"As creatures who use vision and olfaction, humans think in odors and shape, and color," von Arx said. "We are biased by what we can perceive. We know that moths have hygroreceptors on the tips of their antennae, but they remain a mystery for the most part. We know a lot about olfactory receptors, mechanoreceptors and vision. The insect eye has been studied in and out. But hygroreception? We still don't really know how that actually works."

Funding for this research project came from the National Science Foundation, the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Johnson & Johnson Corporation.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Arizona.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Martin von Arx, Joaqu?n Goyret, Goggy Davidowitz, and Robert A. Raguso. Floral humidity as a reliable sensory cue for profitability assessment by nectar-foraging hawkmoths. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences., May 29, 2012 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1121624109

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

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Comment Sought on State's IT Transformation Plan | Maui Now

Chief Information Officer Sanjeev ?Sonny? Bhagowalia. Courtesy of State of Hawaii.

By Sonia Isotov

The deadline to submit comments and feedback to the State of Hawaii on the Business and IT/Information Resources Management (IRM) Transformation Strategic Plan is Friday, June 2.

The State of Hawaii Office of Information Management and Technology (OIMT) is seeking feedback and ideas to help shape the state?s technology transformation strategy known as the Business and IT/Information Resources Management (IRM) Transformation Strategic Plan.

The transformation strategy will outline a multi-year plan and transformation strategy which will be implemented in five major phases over the next decade.

The deadline to submit ideas and feedback is Friday, June 2. Feedback will be considered by OIMT and incorporated in the final version of the Business and IT/RIM Transformation Strategic Plan that will be published in July.

On May 8, 2012, Governor Neil Abercrombie and Chief Information Officer Sanjeev ?Sonny? Bhagowalia announced the release of the state?s first draft of its strategy to transform its information technology and business processes,

In a demonstration of the state?s commitment to creating an open and transparent government, the public is being encouraged to review the draft plan and provide ideas and feedback via the Office of Information Management and Technology?s website (

In September 2011, the state released the first-ever comprehensive assessment of its IT assets, policies and procedures in a baseline report. The baseline report identified 204 business functions and services delivered by state government employees in 18 Departments and over 500 IT applications currently in use.

The recommendations and findings in the baseline report (Phase A) provided the basis for the priorities; architecture and projects identified in the Business and IT Transformation Strategic Plan.

In September 2011, the state released the first-ever comprehensive assessment of its IT assets, policies and procedures in a baseline report. Courtesy of State of Hawaii.

?The state?s business and information technology transformation strategy establishes the foundation for a fundamental re-thinking of the way government conducts business,? said Bhagowalia, in a written statement.

?The transformation is not about just modernizing legacy technology systems. It is about transforming the state?s current business processes. We have a lot to change and improve but we are taking important foundational and methodical steps to get to a New Day.?

The transformation strategy outlines a multi-year plan and transformation strategy, which are planned for implementation in five major phases over the next decade. Major focus areas of the strategy include:

  • Governance and Management Methodologies?? The life-cycle management of processes and policies that guide the management and oversight of the state?s portfolio of business transformation and IT investments, acquisitions, and projects, including system development, business process re-engineering, and infrastructure improvements.
  • Business and IT/Information Resources Management (IRM) Transformation Strategic Plan?? The Business and IT/IRM Transformation Strategic Plan documents the mission, vision, goals, strategies objectives, and performance measures of the transformation effort, as well as specific prioritized projects and initiatives that will be launched over the next 10 years.
  • Enterprise Architecture?? The blueprint for change that provides the framework for the design and development of IT systems, applications, business information, and processes to best support the goals and missions of the various departments? line of business.
  • Projects?? An overview of the business process reengineering and IT/IRM projects that have been completed, are currently being implemented, or planned.

Members of the public will be able to review the various focus areas of the transformation initiative, as well as provide their comment and feedback through a web-enabled citizen engagement tool at the Office of Information Management and Technology?s website at

Comments can be submitted online at and will be taken through Friday, June 1, 2012.

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Online Sales Training

Online sales training is a daunting process especially if you are working alone

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Online Sales Training Team

and teaching yourself. ?There is a lot to learn; no doubt about it.? In fact, unless you ?invest in your own skillset, you are wasting your time.

There are several reasons for the high percentage of failure for those who start online businesses. ?The most important reason is mindset and focus - scattering energy on ?shiny objects? interrupts progress.?Constantly learning and improving on a daily basis (Kaizen) is essential.

Working with a business team is an excellent way to:

  • stay focused
  • keep learning
  • continuously move forward

By definition teamwork?is ??work done by several associates with each doing a part??

Great things are accomplished with a team.? When you hear that someone is a self-made millionaire?? or a solo entrepreneur understand that they are surrounded by a team of supportive people.

Business teams work on a group projects in order to get?the job done,better decisions, provide better products, and services. Teams help each other to stay in the game so that they all succeed.

To measure how a team is doing look at these 4 vital components:

1. ?Communication,? How well does the team communicate with each other?? Are they open and honest?

2. ?Coordination,?? Is it a coordinated effort? Does everyone know what all the team members are doing?

3. ?Balance of member contributions,? Is everyone contributing to the group

4. ?Mutual support,? Is there a feeling of mutual support?

When you have these 4 components working, then your team is on the road to success.


Yes, there are ? to avoid the downside of teamwork be sure to select your team members very carefully.

Loafing on the job causes friction. Team members who do not participate fully in the project, or as the saying goes do not ?get all in?, are often planting the seeds of dissension and arguments. Teamwork then has the unintended effect of fermenting hostility towards each other.

In the words of the blog :

Teamwork is fostered by respecting, encouraging, enthusing, caring for people, not exploiting or dictating to them.

At the heart of this approach is?love and spirituality?which helps bring mutual respect, compassion, and humanity to work. People working for each other in teams is powerful force, more than skills, processes, policies. More than annual appraisals, management-by-objectives, the ?suits? from head office; more than anything.?Teams usually become great teams when they decide to do it for themselves?- not because someone says so. Something inspires them maybe, but ultimately the team decides. It?s a team thing. It has to be. The team says: ?Okay. We can bloody well make a difference. We will be the best at what we do. We?ll look out for each other and succeed ? for us ? for the team. And we?ll make sure we enjoy ourselves while we?re doing it?. And then the team starts to move mountains.


Are you starting a home business online?? Confused about how to get started?

For the best online sales training to get your business started consider joining a team or creating your own team.

To Your Success,

Corinne Floyd?

P.S. Please ?Like?, share with your friends, and leave your comments.? I look forward to hearing from you.

P.P.S. If you are inspired to learn how to find an online business team visit SBI Blogger.

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Stunning castles around the world

Chrisusc / Travel + Leisure

Partially destroyed in a Jacobite uprising in 1719, Eilean Donan castle lay in ruins for the best part of 200 years until Lieutenant Colonel John MacRae-Gilstrap bought the Scottish island in 1911 and restored the castle. After 20 years of work, the castle was re-opened in 1932.


By Briana Fasone , Travel + Leisure

We dare you to find a traveler who?s left Scotland without at least a few castle photos. The countryside is riddled with hundreds of majestic, if sometimes crumbling, castles, and they capture our imagination like no other architectural wonder.

Slideshow: See where to find spectacular castles

Take Scotland?s iconic Eilean Donan Castle. When illuminated at twilight, with the distant hills cast a shadowy black, it conveys all the intrigue associated with castles. This is just one of the eye-catching images we turned up when we searched the submissions of Travel + Leisure?community members to find their most beautiful and varied castle photos.

Some have the fairy-tale charm of 19th-century Neuschwanstein Castle, which actually inspired Disney?s Sleeping Beauty castle. Travel + Leisure community user gikltd pulled back to capture its dramatic surroundings in Germany?s Bavaria region: thick woods, snowcapped Alps and placid water. Meanwhile, in Japan, Travel + Leisure community member bratbee79 gave added drama to the traditional flared tile roof of 14th-century Shuri Castle in Okinawa by shooting it from slightly below.?

Photography techniques influence the look of other beautiful castles featured in our community album. We encounter Germany?s Cochem Castle from within thanks to a photo of an interior stained-glass window and a decorative wall panel. Alternatively, an expansive shot of fortress walls along the Dalmatian Coast of Dubrovnik highlights the castle?s impenetrable, intimidating nature as it towers on rocks above the Adriatic Sea.

Castles in Europe, particularly the United Kingdom, are naturally well represented.

Yet while we may not have royalty in the U.S., that hasn?t stopped the construction of beautiful castles on our side of the pond. A photograph of New York City?s Belvedere Castle, which offers panoramic views of Central Park, was submitted by raveille. (The castle?s name comes from the Italian for ?beautiful view.?)?

Check out all the photos of enchanting castles (and a few palaces) around the world to find the one that most inspires you. And after your next trip, upload your photos for a chance to win Travel + Leisure?s monthly photo contest and to be featured in a slideshow.

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Trump overshadows Romney with 'birther' talk

LAS VEGAS (AP) ? Mitt Romney's presidential campaign collided with Donald Trump's "birther" rhetoric on Tuesday as the reality television star hosted a fundraiser for the Republican while claiming again that President Barack Obama is foreign-born.

The debunked conspiracy theory among conservative activists dubbed "birthers" charges that Obama is not constitutionally qualified to serve in the White House. Romney has said he believes Obama was born in America, but he has not condemned Trump's comments.

Democrats contend it's the latest example of Romney's reluctance to confront the more extreme elements in his party.

"A lot of people do not think it was an authentic certificate," Trump told CNN of Obama's birth certificate, just hours before he was set to host Romney's finance event at the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas.

Such allegations have been repeatedly proven false. The state of Hawaii recently re-affirmed that Obama was born there.

Trump's comments, repeated in several media interviews Tuesday, overshadowed Romney's visit to Nevada, one of a handful of swing states expected to decide the presidential contest in November. Trump also upstaged news from Texas that Romney had collected enough delegates to clinch the Republican presidential nomination.

Romney did not address the issue directly at separate events in Colorado and Nevada, but on Monday night he told reporters aboard his campaign plane that Trump is entitled to his opinion. Even as Trump-related criticism from Democrats and Republicans intensified in recent days, Romney showed no sign of distancing himself from the polarizing figure.

"I don't agree with all the people who support me. And my guess is they don't all agree with everything I believe in," Romney said. "But I need to get 50.1 percent or more. And I'm appreciative to have the help of a lot of good people."

The birth question wasn't brought up at the Las Vegas fundraiser, and Romney spoke highly of Trump's efforts on his behalf.

"Mr. Trump, thank you for letting us come to this beautiful hotel and being with so many friends," Romney said. "Thank you for twisting the arms that it takes to bring a fundraiser together. I appreciate your help."

Trump remains popular among the conservative base and boasts ties to deep-pocketed donors. The Las Vegas event was expected to raise $2 million, but Romney's ties to Trump extend beyond that single fundraiser. He has recorded automated phone calls for Romney, hosted a fundraiser for his wife, Ann, in New York, and pressed the candidate's case as a television surrogate.

When Romney's campaign plan arrived at the Las Vegas airport Tuesday, it parked within sight of Trump's plane ? the businessman's name emblazoned on the side in large gold letters.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, once a rival for the GOP nomination and now a Romney supporter, suggested that the Trump issue will not derail Romney's campaign.

"Gov. Romney's not distracted. The Republican Party's not distracted," said Gingrich, who attended the Trump fundraiser. "We believe that this is an American-born job-killing president. Other people may believe that he was born somewhere else and still kills jobs."

The Obama campaign released a video Tuesday criticizing what it considers Romney's unwillingness to stand up to Trump and the more extreme elements in his party. There have been other examples in recent weeks that underscore Romney's delicate push to win over skeptical conservatives while appealing to moderates and independents who generally deliver general election victories.

"Mitt Romney's continued embrace of Donald Trump and refusal to condemn his disgraceful conspiracy theories demonstrates his complete lack of moral leadership," Obama's deputy campaign manager, Stephanie Cutter, said in a statement. "If Mitt Romney lacks the backbone to stand up to a charlatan like Donald Trump because he's so concerned about lining his campaign's pockets, what does that say about the kind of president he would be?"

While Trump asserts that the matter of Obama's birth is a "good issue" for Romney, conservative commentator George Will questioned the "cost benefit" of Romney appearing with Trump.

"The cost of appearing with this bloviating ignoramus is obvious, it seems to me," Will said Sunday. "Donald Trump is redundant evidence that if your net worth is high enough, your IQ can be very low and you can still intrude into American politics. ... Again, I don't understand the benefit. What is Romney seeking?"

Trump revived the false claims about Obama's birthplace late last week, citing a story about a literary agency that mistakenly listed that Obama was born in Kenya.

While Romney briefly addressed the issue Monday, senior aide Eric Fehrnstrom declined to condemn Trump's remarks in a recent interview.

"I can't speak for Donald Trump ... but I can tell you that Mitt Romney accepts that President Obama was born in the United States," Fehrnstrom said. "He doesn't view the place of his birth as an issue in this campaign."

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Impact of Religion ? international conference Uppsala SE 2013 | ISA ...

An interdisciplinary conference at Uppsala University

Uppsala, Sweden, 20-22 May 2013

Submissions are invited on the following themes, which ? broadly speaking ? mirror the Impact programme. Further sub-themes will be developed as the submitted papers arrive; these will be displayed on the conference website. Papers on comparative research are particularly welcome. Theoretical, methodological and substantive issues will be given equal weight.

A variety of formats are envisaged: plenary sessions, paper sessions, roundtables, academic exchanges and policy debates. Please indicate your preference when you submit your abstract. Pre-organised sessions are welcome.

? Religious and social change ? including the role of the media in these shifts

? Integration, democracy and political culture

? Families, law and society

? Well-being and health

? Welfare models ? their organization and values

? Science and religion

Deadline for the submission of abstracts (max 200 words): *30th November 2012*

The conference is hosted by *The Impact of Religion programme* and *Uppsala Religion and Society Research Centre* at Uppsala University.

Up to date information on the programme, registration, abstract format, venue etc. will be made available at:, where you also find more details about the Impact of Religion programme itself.

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Should you rent-to-own a home? | My Blog

By Andrew Housser


It?s a buyer?s market right now in real estate. This is good news if you?re in the market for a new home, but bad news if your credit rating prevents you from qualifying for a loan. Yet even if you?ve had some setbacks, it may still be possible for you to realize your dream of homeownership. The option to rent-to-own or lease a home has risen in popularity over the last several years, in part because it benefits both buyers and sellers. Renting (or leasing) can be a good stepping stone toward home ownership, but before you sign on the dotted line, find out the answers to these all-important questions.

How does rent-to-own work?

As the prospective buyer, you sign a contract agreeing to pay an option fee (generally around $5,000), as well as rent and rent premiums to the home seller. The homeowner will put your rent money toward his mortgage expenses. The extra rent or rent premium goes toward your future purchase of the home. The option fee will become part of your down payment when you buy the house, but the seller can keep this money if you back out of the purchase.

Who should I consult before signing?

Because there?s no standard rent-to-own contract and every state has its own regulations, you should talk to an attorney or a real estate agent to ensure you fully understand the financial implications of the contract. This process will also ensure there aren?t any problems with the home?s title and that it?s not in foreclosure. Get a home inspection and appraisal ? just as you would if you were buying the home right now. And talk to a mortgage lender to determine what you need to do to qualify for a loan when your rental option is up.

Is this a good option for me?

Rent-to-own or lease options give you an opportunity to save up a down payment while working to up your credit score. If you were to pay a $400 monthly rent premium on top of a $1,000 monthly rental payment, you?d have $4,800 saved for a home purchase after one year. Add that to your option fee, and you?ll have close to $10,000 already saved for your new home. Renting also enables you to try out a home and surrounding neighborhood before buying.

What are some of the cons?

Before entering into a rent-to-own agreement, you and the seller must decide on the purchase price of the home. Most leasing options last for three to five years, and the housing market can change significantly during that time period. As a renter, this can work to your advantage if the market improves and the home?s value increases above the agreed-upon contract amount (clearly, that?s a negative if you?re the seller). Of course, the home could be worth less than the agreed-upon price by the time your contract is up. At this point, you can either try to renegotiate with the seller, go through with the purchase as is, or move out and lose your investments.

What are my rights as a future home buyer?

Until you purchase, you are still a renter and subject to all rules that apply to renters. You can be evicted for failing to make rent payments on time. If that happens, you can also lose your upfront fees and rent premiums. If you still don?t qualify for a loan at the end of the rental agreement, you may have to forfeit the extra cash you?ve invested.

What should I know if I?m the homeowner?

Renting to potential home buyers can be a good decision if your house has been on the market for a while, the housing market in your area is stagnant, or you must relocate quickly for employment or other reasons. The rent income can help cover your mortgage, freeing you to move to your new location. Another upside: Potential buyers are more likely to take good care of your home, since they hope to call it their own someday. But if your renters can?t make their payments, you could be liable for two mortgages, a situation that could lead to financial difficulty, and in some cases, foreclosures.

Buying a home may well be the biggest purchasing decision you?ll ever make, so it?s important to carefully weigh the pros and cons of renting to own. Talk to a real estate expert who can help you determine whether renting-to-own is right for you.


photo: Getty Images

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Facebook's stock falls below $30 for first time

In this May 16, 2012 photo, the Facebook logo is displayed on an iPad in Philadelphia. Facebook's stock has fallen below $30 for the first time. That's down 20 percent since its stock began trading publicly on May 18, following one of the most anticipated stock offerings in history. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

In this May 16, 2012 photo, the Facebook logo is displayed on an iPad in Philadelphia. Facebook's stock has fallen below $30 for the first time. That's down 20 percent since its stock began trading publicly on May 18, following one of the most anticipated stock offerings in history. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

(AP) ? Facebook's stock has fallen below $30 for the first time since its much-awaited public debut this month.

The stock fell $2.40, or nearly 8 percent, to $29.40 in midday trading on Tuesday. That's down 23 percent since its public stock debut. It went as low as $29.23 earlier in the day.

Facebook Inc. began trading publicly on May 18 following one of the most anticipated stock offerings in history.

The site, which was born in a dorm room eight years ago and has grown into a worldwide network of almost a billion people, was supposed to offer proof that social media is a viable business and more than a passing fad.

Facebook's initial public offering of stock priced at $38 and raised $16 billion for Facebook and some of its early investors. It had valued the company at $104 billion ? more than Inc., at $98 billion, at the time.

But the stock's public debut was marred by technical glitches at the Nasdaq Stock Market that delayed trading.

And the company, along with the investment banks that led the IPO, is the subject of at least two shareholder lawsuits. They allege that analysts at the large underwriting investment banks cut their second-quarter and full-year forecasts for Facebook just before the IPO and told only a handful of clients. Morgan Stanley has declined to comment. Facebook calls the lawsuits "without merit."

With the latest drop, Facebook's value is about $80 billion.

Associated Press

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Targeting tuberculosis 'hotspots' could have widespread benefit

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Reducing tuberculosis transmission in geographic "hotspots" where infections are highest could significantly reduce TB transmission on a broader scale, according to a study led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. An analysis of data from Rio de Janeiro showed that a reduction in TB infections within three high-transmission hotspots could reduce citywide transmission by 9.8 percent over 5 years, and as much as 29 percent over 50 years. The study was published May 28 by the journal PNAS.

"Targeting treatment of 'core groups' as a way to reduce community-wide transmission is common with diseases like HIV and malaria, but is less accepted as a mantra for TB control," said David Dowdy, MD, PhD, ScM, lead author of the study and assistant professor in the Bloomberg School's Department of Epidemiology. "Our findings suggest that hotspots containing 6 percent of a city's population can be responsible for 35 percent or more of its ongoing TB transmission. Controlling TB in these hotspots may have a similar impact on long-term, community-wide TB incidence as achieving the same targets in the remaining 94 percent of the population."

For the study, Dowdy and his colleagues developed mathematical models for TB transmission using surveillance data from Rio de Janeiro. Each model tested different scenarios for TB transmission between the hotspot and the rest of the community. Co-infection with HIV was also factored into the model.

According to the study, reducing TB transmission rates in the hotspot to those in the general community reduced citywide TB incidence by a mean 2 percent per year over the first 5 years. By year 50, TB incidence was reduced by 29.7 percent, reflecting a 62.8 percent reduction in incidence in the hotspot and a 23.1 percent reduction in the remaining community.

Tuberculosis infects more than 8.8 million people worldwide, resulting in 1.4 million deaths each year. The disease is known to cluster in hotspots typically characterized by crowding, poverty and other illnesses such as HIV. Nevertheless, TB transmission appears to be more homogeneous than that of many other infectious diseases, in which 20 percent of the population may generate 80 percent of infections.

According to Dowdy, "TB may not follow the same '80/20' rule that we see in parasitic or sexually transmitted diseases, but the '35/6' rule seen in our study suggests that targeting hotspots is still the best way to control TB in a community."


Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health:

Thanks to Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health for this article.

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What To Look For In A Professional Business Consulting Firm ...


By Richard S. Mulliete

Many businesses experiencing problems need a business consulting firm to help them improve overall performance. These companies do this by analyzing business practices, management styles, technology usage, and then recommend ways to cut costs, boost sales and morale, or carrying out various types of strategies designed to put your business back on the right track. There are several things to consider when deciding on which firm to contract and which strategies would best suit your business?s needs.

First of all, a good business consulting firm should have extensive experience dealing with the kinds of problems your company is facing. This type of familiarity will ensure that they know your business, and are in a better position than other firms to make the appropriate recommendations best suited for your company. If you have a large organization, you might find that a firm working with a broad range of companies is more equipped to address complex problems that extend into various departments and branches. For smaller businesses, a smaller firm that specializes in certain areas may be better able to provide personalized attention and pattern a course of action to your company. Whichever kind you choose, be sure that they have experience in every stage of business growth to ensure the best outcome.

A firm?s reputation will also tell you a lot about what outcome to expect. Consumer report sites can provide useful information about particular business consulting firms. Since they provide firsthand experience from actual clients, these sites can help you get a better idea of whether you would like to contract their services, or to continue looking. You might want to look at a firm?s website as well, because they will often have a section on the page where clients can post comments about the service they received. Business consulting firms will generally provide general information about the types of clients they have helped, what kinds of problems they address, and the final results they have achieved. However, these testimonial type reports may only include clients who were happy with their service, so keep that in mind.

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Region I softball quarterfinal: Chancellor 2, Smithfield 0 - The Sports ...


Two big plays Chancellor?s softball team failed to make quickly turned into two even bigger plays the Chargers did complete, and now Chancellor is a win away from the Group AA state tournament.
Catcher Elaine Wood dropped the throw on a play at home, but her block of the plate was so complete she had time to pick the ball up and erase the go-ahead run.
And Laura Phoebus failed to get a no-out, fifth-inning bunt down, but stroked the next pitch for an RBI triple?the only run Chancellor needed in a 2?0 win against Smithfield on Monday in the Region I quarterfinals.
The Chargers will host Culpeper at 5 p.m. on Wednesday in the region semifinals. The winner of that game clinches a state tournament spot.
Both Wood and Phoebus played instrumental parts on Monday.
Smithfield stranded runners on third base in the second, fifth and sixth innings, but the Packers? best threat came in the fourth, when the game was still scoreless.
Allie Surbaugh led off with a triple to right-center field. Chancellor pitcher Jo?Ellen Cabrera got a strikeout, but No. 8 hitter Katie Potter laid down a nice bunt that rolled right to Cabrera.
Surbaugh broke for home; Cabrera threw quickly to Wood, who dropped the ball trying to apply the tag.
Wood is a very good outfielder. Or sometimes an infielder. Or really she?s been whatever coach Monica Larkin has needed.
?She?s a ball player,? Cabrera said. ?She can go anywhere. We call her the plug?put her anywhere. Need her at third? Shortstop? She?s played pretty much every where.?
Late this season, Chancellor starting catcher Riley Pates was injured. Coach Monica Larkin needed a catcher, a spot where Wood hadn?t played since her Little League days.
?She?s been a four-year outfield starter,? Larkin said. ?And in year?s past, wherever we?ve had a problem, we?ve put her there.?
So it may not have been a surprise that Wood dropped Cabrera?s throw. What was a surprise was the left knee Wood put down?instinctively, she said, because she?s received so little instruction on how to be a catcher?that stopped Surbaugh?s slide short of home.
Wood had time to pick up the dropped throw and tag the runner out, preserving the scoreless tie.
As Chancellor?s hitters prepared for the bottom of the fifth, Larkin and her assistant coaches conferred?they?d try to play small ball?bunting and slapping, hoping to scratch out a run.
The Chargers had been overmatched by Smithfield freshman Sydney Gay to that point, having hit just one soft single in the third inning.
So when Heather McDaniel was hit by a pitch to lead off the fifth, it was the perfect situation for the game plan Larkin had worked out: Phoebus would try to bunt McDaniel over to second, leaving Chancellor two more outs to try to get a run home.
Phoebus squared at Gay?s first pitch and just got a piece of the ball, fouling it straight back for strike one.
?Oh I?ve got to hit the ball now,? Phoebus said she was thinking. ?I had to put it in play. That would have been bad coming into the dugout.?
Larkin called off the bunt?if Phoebus was going to have to swing away, she wanted the junior to have two strikes to work with.
Phoebus needed only one. The next pitch she saw was drilled to deep right field. McDaniel scored easily, and Phoebus stopped at third.
Marisa Soto followed with a sacrifice fly to center field, and Chancellor led 2?0.
?I was frustrated,? Larkin said, that Phoebus didn?t get the bunt down. ?But I really think she?s the most underrated player I have, and she hits like that every day in practice. She?s come up big a lot this year for us.?

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Chancellor 0000 20x 2 4 0
SYDNEY GAY and Katie Potter. JO?ELLEN CABRERA and Elaine Wood.

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Video: Edwards jury may be weeks from verdict

There were signals pointing toward a lengthy deliberation and potentially split jury, when Judge Catherine Eagles heard from the jurors about scheduling conflicts that stretch into the next two weeks. NBC?s Brian Williams reports.??

>>> this was day 26 of the john edwards campaign corruption trial. again today no verdict. nbc's lisa myers who's in greensboro, north carolina covering the trial for us. reports tonight that the jurors have signalled they may not be close to a verdict, informing the judge of upcoming scheduling conflicts in the next two weeks. today the judge urged the jurors to refocus their attention on their deliberations, warned them not to talk in small groups outside the jury room.

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Barbizon School of painters

Jean Francois Miller

Jean Francois Miller (1814-1875) was born in a peasant family in the province of Normandy, youth in a field. At the age of 23to Paris from the painter Delaroche, the studio 's classmates looked down upon him, saying he was " rustic mountain man". The teacher also despise him, often scolded him:" you seem to know all, but do not know." The countryside young people really tired of Paris, said the city was messy desert big desert, only the Le Louvre museum is the art of" oasis". When he walked into the Le Louvre Museum Hall of surprise and said: " I like imperceptibly to a realm of art, everything here to make my dream into reality."

Miller in Paris to be on the beach, combat and poor dead wife pressed his choking. In order to survive, he used the sketch for shoes, canvas to change the bed, had also the midwife painting signs to change some money, in order to cater to the bourgeois sensory stimulation, he also painted the vulgar nude.

Once he heard people say he said:" this is the addition of a nude painting, something else will draw Miller." This makes him a broken heart. He was determined to not meet anyone, resolutely go my own road of art.

The 1849 Paris epidemic of kala-azar, with his family moved to Paris suburb of Fontainebleau near the village of Barbizon, when he was 35 years old. In the village of Barbizon he met Coro, Rousseau, Trow volume painter, in the impoverished rural backwater, he is a live 27years. Miller on nature and rural life has a special deep feelings, he gets up early and late, morning in the field of labor, the afternoon at little light little house painting, his life is extremely difficult, but it does not diminish his love of art and the pursuit, he is often unable to buy paint themselves to make charcoal a sketch. He loves life, loves, loves labour farmer, he said:" in any case farmer this theme for me is the most appropriate." He was born the first masterpiece is" seeds". In succession later wrote" gleaning" and" the bells" and other works.

Henry Russo

Rousseau ( Theodore Rousseau1812-1867) is the nineteenth Century French Barbizon landscape painters, his works are quite strange. Because of his situation. Therefore, the spirit full of trouble and anguish. His father was a Paris artisan, because of operation failures, caused Rousseau to have tasted the taste of poverty. His young wife mad, and he had to divorce. His art was misunderstood, is more than twenty years, critics on his only a dig opinion. Until the 1848revolution, his works each year by salon Review Committee refused.

He was done with the poet, he can not show the morning twilight deep dream, but to discover the nature to its angry, Renaissance period would have had the ambition of Donatello, he to pursue physical and spiritual life images, was in anguish. But Rousseau wants to play, not human life, but the life of nature. His feelings, his imagination, so that he can easily grasp the most humble of spirit. He claims to hear the sound of trees, their movements, their different forms, taught him the forest - he guessed BBW, flowers of the culvert and the significance of passion.

Chinese paintingWhen a person reaches this point, either the poet or painter, his eyes are perspective, they can be in the shape of perspective to the heart within, nature is a supernatural world, but he is all familiar. With doubt and alert, heart is lonely and lonely, his days, completely kill in the field, in the face of nature. He once worked in the fields when a friend, he said:" what a pleasure in time! I will forever live in silence." Yes, he and the world contact less, is the touch with the nature more; he would crowd interaction, went and nature of language. Here the so-called natural landscape not only, not just the sky clouds, but the nature of all living and non-living.

To fathom inconceivable, to express no express, this is the painter Rousseau 's ambition. This ambition often drove him to despair, in many works to be completed was destroyed! Like Leonardo Da Finch, he continued to invent a special method, manufacturing special color and oil, so that many of his works, after not purely chemical and become dark, face problems.

His masterpiece, a" Fontainebleau Xi", the author to express, is in the jungle below and above the plain flow silent invisible angry, trunk towering said it a distinctive character, and the vast fields that stretch as far as eye can see, and widely distributed, indicating rich animal husbandry; i.e. is the flower of Enlightenment, also in their thriving life. However the author understands the comprehensive strength is strong, so he don't how engraved for trivial performance; but in everything sprig festival brings together, the most important is a bright light, take a picture into one symphony. He repeatedly modified, apply color; if in a variety of research still cannot obtain the anticipated effect, he side to pain and despair, painful or even the unfinished work destroyed; or in a frenzy, clear consciousness suddenly made him feel great harmony.

Rousseau was not engraved for performance of natural truth, but after his heart on the natural appearance. He takes his own personality, character, vision to replace the precision of reality. He blessed the latent vitality, his painting is the same lyrics, is undoubtedly a kind of mental state and performance. He himself said, he creates the illusion to deceive, to his own invention as food for the spirit. More than a hundred years ago, a group of painters, away from the noise, of Paris, walked into a forest, forest edge found a village -- the Barbizon, where they lived, begun to directly face the nature.

?On 1835, Coehlo of 40 years old to the Barbizon and Miller, Rousseau, Dolby, rendezvous. Art history famous Barbizon school was born. Corot, a member of the Barbizon school, created a western realism landscape painting history.

Constant Trojan

Constant Trojan (1810~ 1865) depicting the saint and Saifoer landscape painting also appears quite superficial. At the 1841 salon, Troyan first exhibited a theme painting" Tobey and the angel". To 40 years later, he and Duble went to Lund, finally, with Rousseau's encouragement in the village of Barbizon, his landscape creation began to change, gradually to the Barbizon of every tree and Bush have feelings, and learned the Barbizon artists like brown hue. To travel to Holland, and Holland Artist Association ( around 1847), especially with the Holland painter Porter, he becomes more and more emotionally in herds description. However, in the Barbizon school, Troyan paintings such as the lack of Barbizon, Dupeni, Du bly, Diaz et al the comprehensive understanding of the natural beauty of the eye. His paintings are specific, real rural life angle, such as this one" the storm" will be temporary. Screen rendering a scene before the storm, it is realistic, but the lack of a comprehensive meaning of life. In a flow of air, the viewer is that has produced stuffy feeling, but feel nervous. Uyunmi Bbu in the distance, the earth was still calm, especially close on a pool water, calm as a mirror, there is a red, white and white clothes to the lover, showing a clear reflection in a pool. Close shot right that ride cowboy, low head and around the puppy dialogue. The painter truthfully record the storm will face in front of all. But in the heaven and earth two, there is a strong contrast, the contrast color, the painting is very balanced, slightly heralded the equilibrium is ending. Trojan's landscape painting of natural scenery language implicitly:" go farming herd", rendering the dawn and dawn contrast; in" fair" (1859, displayed at the Al Mita Museum in the Soviet Union ), the sun through the fog, let nature in obscurity; and" storm" will face, is the use of bright golden yellow, green and silver, let the close-range quiet and distant chill sights in opposition. This is perhaps Trojan willing to seek the landscape character.


Coehlo Corot, Camille (1796~ 1875) French painter. Born in Paris in July 16, 1796, February 22, 1875 and died in the same way. Insisted on painting trips. Almost travelled through France, have been to Holland, Switzerland, the UK and Italy. Was selected as a salon evaluation committee. Good at painting landscapes and portraits. Works mostly with gray tone, picture dim light through the fluffy bush, irradiation in the quiet pond water and distant housing above the middle part, with several shepherds or girl, very romantic characteristics. To be a French nineteenth Century metaphase outstanding landscape painter. Though he and the Barbizon school closely, but it does not belong to this genre painting style. His writing style has a certain effect on later impressionism. In his nearly3000 works, representative is" Rome"," arena of Chartres Cathedral"," Meng Tefang Dan memories"," tower", douai. These works were hidden Le Louvre Museum museum.

Charlie Franswa Dubini (1817-1878). Was born in France of a family of art, from painting with his father, the Barbizon school representatives. To describe the French natural scenery and rural rural life, be good to natural light depicting, become earlier Impressionist forerunner, like landscapes into the river scene.

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PSA: Resetting your phone risks upsetting Google Wallet, unless you do it right


Spare a thought for Google Wallet users who have learned this the hard way, but at least you won't have to fall into the same little-known trap. Essentially, if you have a Galaxy Nexus, HTC EVO 4G LTE or any other compatible handset and you perform a factory reset, there's a high chance you'll spoil the secure element that is designed to protect your NFC chip from tampering. This disables Google Wallet and it seems there's no fix once that happens, other than calling up a friendly (and hopefully interactive) customer service agent. However, there is a way to prevent it: before factory resetting, you have to go into the Google Wallet app, choose 'Menu' then 'Settings' and 'Reset Google Wallet'. There it is -- simple enough, but evidently not advertised enough by Google or the phone manufacturers themselves.

PSA: Resetting your phone risks upsetting Google Wallet, unless you do it right originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 29 May 2012 06:20:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Blogs ? DrawingNow (Powered by phpFoX)

Managerial mischief.?Madsen and Shafritz, in their book "Essentials of Business Ethics"?(Penguin Books, 1990) further explain that?"managerial mischief" includes "illegal, unethical, or questionable practices of individual managers or organizations, as well as the causes of such behaviors and remedies to eradicate them." Moral mazes.?The other broad area of business ethics is "moral mazes of management" and includes the numerous ethical problems that managers must deal with on a daily basis, such as potential conflicts of interest, wrongful use of resources, mismanagement of contracts and agreements, etc.? Large organizations or publicly held companies often use corporate governance to promote?business?ethics?and?social?responsibility. This governance creates the framework of policies, procedures,?and?guidelines for all individuals financial invested in a company. Sometimes, an industry group can give awards to companies to promote a cause within a field of?business. Corporate?social?responsibility awards can be given by industry leaders to draw attention to or raise standards in a certain area of?social?responsibility.


This model is not a process or technique - it's the character or personality of a good ethical organisation, (or manager or leader).

The society and/or situation. Short-term and long-term effects. 'The greater good' - the flip-side of the issue; i.e., what are the other options and their consequences - the costs or implications of the choices? Cultural issues. Issues of personal conscience - of those affected - beware of relying on your own ideas of 'faith' or 'belief' or 'what is right', because this will not be the view held by many people affected by your decision. You are not a god, nor an agent of a god. Religious influence and personal beliefs - of those affected, rather than the decision-makers, really, I cannot emphasise this enough. Religion is a subjective belief system. Your own religion is therefore not a basis for objective ethical decision-making. Informed enlightened educated and truly objective views. Majority views. Significant minority views. Unrepresented very small minority views. Suppliers Contractors Distributors Sales agents

Major areas of study in ethics include:

Many people are used to reading or hearing of the moral benefits of attention to business ethics. However, there are other types of benefits, as well. The following list describes various types of benefits from managing ethics in the workplace.

Real Objectivity for Ethics

P4 ethical leadership and management model

Meta-ethics, about the theoretical meaning and reference of moral propositions and how their?truth values?(if any) may be determined; Normative ethics, about the practical means of determining a moral course of action; Applied ethics, about how moral outcomes can be achieved in specific situations;

A business cannot claim to be ethical firm if it ignores unethical practices by its suppliers ? e.g.

Business ethics is more a matter of religion than management Our employees are ethical so we don't need attention to business ethics Business ethics is a discipline best led by philosophers, academics and theologians Business ethics is superfluous -- it only asserts the obvious: "do good!" Business ethics is a matter of the good guys preaching to the bad guys.? Business ethics in the new policeperson on the block Ethics can't be managed Business ethics and social responsibility are the same thing Our organization is not in trouble with the law, so we're ethical Managing ethics in the workplace has little practical relevance?

Conversely, and more importantly, very many legal activities and behaviours can be extremely unethical. For example, behaviours that are not necessarily unlawful but which are generally considered to be unethical to Western society would now typically include:

Pressure for businesses to act ethically

Ethics Training

Below is a modern model for management and leadership in the 21st century. It's an interpretation of the 'personality' of good ethical modern management and leadership. As such it's not a process or technique - it's an attempt to characterize good modern ethical management and leadership.

Business ethics is now a management discipline

Ethics involves learning what is right or wrong, and then doing the right thing -- but "the right thing" is not nearly as straightforward as conveyed in a great deal of business ethics literature.

Two Broad Areas of Business Ethics?

Purpose, People, Planet, Probity (or Purity or Principles).?The four cornerstones of sustainable success in any modern business venture,Abercrombie And Fitch, and a maxim for today's management and organisational philosophy. (Probity means honesty, uprightness - it's from the Latin word probus, meaning good). 'Purpose' is an apt replacement for 'Profit' and thus makes the acronym appropriate for use in not-for-profit organisations. Profit-focused corporations can of course substitute 'Profit' for 'Purpose'.

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility


An ethical business has to be concerned with the behaviour of all businesses that operate in the supply chain ? i.e.

(This P4 model is not to be confused with the traditional?Four P's of Marketing?which is a different thing. For attribution purposes this model was created by Alan Chapman and first published on this website in April 2006.)

Instead of trying to arrive at a standard or all-encompassing rule of what is ethical, it is helpful to illustrate the depth and variety of ethics through suitable examples. This is an extension of the ethical business investment items listed above, and goes into far greater detail of different behaviours which might often be regarded as unethical. The first category might seem obvious and clear-cut, and actually it's a reasonable starting point for the vast majority of ethical decisions, but this one point cannot be applied exclusively in assessing whether something is ethical or not:

Ethics, also known as?moral philosophy, is a branch of?philosophy?that involves systematizing,Ralph Lauren T Shirt, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior.


Dishonesty, withholding information, distortion of facts Misleading or confusing communications or positioning or advertising Manipulation of people's feelings Deception, trickery, kidology, rule-bending, fooling people Exploitation of weakness and vulnerability Excessive profit Greed Anything liable to harm or endanger people Breach of the Psychological Contract - the Psychological Contract represents trust and expectations between people in a relationship - notably within employer/employee relationships, extending to other organizational relationships too - (aside from?Psychological Contract?theory, specialised theory within?Transactional Analysis?helps explain this aspect of trust and expectations in human relationships) Avoidance of blame or penalty or payment of compensation for wrong-doing Inertia-based 'approvals' and 'agreements' (in which action proceeds unless objected to) Failing to consult and notify people affected by change Secrecy and lack of transparency and resistance to reasonable investigation Coercion or inducement Harming the environment or planet Unnecessary waste or consumption Invasion of privacy or anything causing privacy to be compromised Recklessness or irresponsible use of authority, power, reputation Nepotism (the appointment or preference of family members) Favouritism or decision-making based on ulterior motives (e.g., secret affiliations, deals, memberships, etc) Alienation or marginalisation of people or groups Conflict of interests (having a foot in two or more competing camps) Neglect of duty of care Betrayal of trust Breaking confidentiality Causing suffering of animals ?Bystanding' - failing to intervene or report wrong-doing within area of responsibility (this does not give licence to interfere anywhere and everywhere, which is itself unethical for various reasons) Unfairness Unkindness Lack of compassion and humanity

Benefits of Managing Ethics in the Workplace?


Business ethics has come to be considered a management discipline, especially since the birth of the social responsibility movement in the 1960s. In that decade, social awareness movements raised expectations of businesses to use their massive financial and social influence to address social problems such as poverty, crime, environmental protection, equal rights, public health and improving education. An increasing number of people asserted that because businesses were making a profit from using our country's resources, these businesses owed it to our country to work to improve society. Many researchers, business schools and managers have recognized this broader constituency, and in their planning and operations have replaced the word "stockholder" with "stakeholder," meaning to include employees, customers, suppliers and the wider community.?

The ethics program is essentially useless unless all staff members are trained about what it is, how it works and their roles in it. The nature of the system may invite suspicion if not handled openly and honestly. In addition, no matter how fair and up-to-date is a set of policies, the legal system will often interpret employee behavior (rather than written policies) as de facto policy. Therefore, all staff must be aware of and act in full accordance with policies and procedures (this is true, whether policies and procedures are for ethics programs or personnel management). This full accordance requires training about policies and procedures.

Traditional inward-looking management and leadership skills (which historically considered only the purpose - typically profit - and the methods for achieving it) are no longer sufficient for sustainable organisational success. Organisations have a far wider agenda today. Moreover, performance, behaviour and standards are transparent globally - the whole world can see and judge how leaders and organisations behave - and the modern leader must now lead with this global accountability.

Consumer action can also be positive ? supporting businesses with a strong ethical stance & record.? A good example of?this is Fair trade.

You'll find lots of examples of business ethical decisions and dilemmas in areas such as:

Businesses they consider to be unethical in some ways (e.g. animal furs) Business acting irresponsibly Businesses that use business practices they find unacceptable

Business ethics in the workplace is about prioritizing moral values for the workplace and ensuring behaviors are aligned with those values -- it's values management. Yet, myths abound about business ethics. Some of these myths arise from general confusion about the notion of ethics. Other myths arise from narrow or simplistic views of ethical dilemmas.

Business Ethics is the concept has come to mean various things to various people, but generally it's coming to know what it right or wrong in the workplace and doing what's right -- this is in regard to effects of products/services and in relationships with stakeholders. Wallace and Pekel explain that attention to business ethics is critical during times of fundamental change -- times much like those faced now by businesses, both nonprofit and for-profit. In times of fundamental change, values that were previously taken for granted are now strongly questioned. Many of these values are no longer followed. Consequently, there is no clear moral compass to guide leaders through complex dilemmas about what is right or wrong. Attention to ethics in the workplace sensitizes leaders and staff to how they should act. Perhaps most important, attention to ethics in the workplaces helps ensure that when leaders and managers are struggling in times of crises and confusion, they retain a strong moral compass. However, attention to business ethics provides numerous other benefits, as well.

Unethical behaviors, activities,coach factory outlet, policies, etc

Myths about Business Ethics?

Most of the above are subject to extent or degree, whereby serious extensive examples are more likely to be unethical than minor transgressions and negligible effects.

Attention to business ethics has substantially improved society.?????? Ethics programs help maintain a moral course in turbulent times Ethics programs cultivate strong teamwork Ethics programs support employee growth and meaning.? Ethics programs are an insurance policy -- they help ensure that policies are legal.? Ethics programs help avoid criminal acts?"of omission"?and can lower fines Ethics programs help manage values associated with quality management, strategic planning and diversity management -- this benefit needs far more attention.? Ethics programs promote a strong public image.? Overall benefits of ethics programs? Formal attention to ethics in the workplace is the right thing to do.

Businesses and industries increasingly find themselves facing?external pressure?to improve their ethical track record.? An interesting feature of the rise of consumer activism online has been increased scrutiny of business activities.

Workplace ethics set the standard for right and wrong, making policies more efficient and the workplace more orderly. Managing ethics in the workplace holds tremendous benefit for leaders and managers, benefits both moral and practical. This is particularly true today when it is critical to understand and manage highly diverse values in the workplace. However, today's training about business ethics in flawed. Above the contents are very useful to avoid from flawed of ethics,? if the organization could be followed.

Pressure groups are a good example of this. Pressure groups are external stakeholders they

The aim of all good modern organisations is to reconcile the?organisational purpose?(whether this be profit for shareholders, or cost-effective services delivery, in the case of public services) with the needs and feelings of?people?(staff, customers, suppliers, local communities, stakeholders,Sunglasses Hut, etc) with proper consideration for the planet - the world we live in?(in terms of sustainability,Sunglasses For Men, environment, wildlife, natural resources, our heritage,coach outlet store, 'fair trade', other cultures and societies, etc) and at all times acting with?probity?- encompassing?love, integrity, compassion, honesty, and truth. Probity enables the other potentially conflicting aims to be harmonised so that the mix is sustainable, ethical and successful.

Use of child labour and forced labour Production in sweatshops Violation of the basic rights of workers Ignoring health, safety and environmental standards

Ethical issues and examples????

Let's take one of the above ? suppliers.

Anything unlawful in the territory or area covered by such law - is probably unethical. Not always - see?ethics and law.

Tend to focus on activities & ethical practice of multinationals or industries with ethical issues Combine direct and indirect action can damage the target business or industry

Direct consumer action?is another way in which business ethics can be challenged. Consumers may take action against:


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