Thursday, May 31, 2012

Online Sales Training

Online sales training is a daunting process especially if you are working alone

Fotolia 22028227 XS 300x225 An Online Sales Training Team Moves Mountains

Online Sales Training Team

and teaching yourself. ?There is a lot to learn; no doubt about it.? In fact, unless you ?invest in your own skillset, you are wasting your time.

There are several reasons for the high percentage of failure for those who start online businesses. ?The most important reason is mindset and focus - scattering energy on ?shiny objects? interrupts progress.?Constantly learning and improving on a daily basis (Kaizen) is essential.

Working with a business team is an excellent way to:

  • stay focused
  • keep learning
  • continuously move forward

By definition teamwork?is ??work done by several associates with each doing a part??

Great things are accomplished with a team.? When you hear that someone is a self-made millionaire?? or a solo entrepreneur understand that they are surrounded by a team of supportive people.

Business teams work on a group projects in order to get?the job done,better decisions, provide better products, and services. Teams help each other to stay in the game so that they all succeed.

To measure how a team is doing look at these 4 vital components:

1. ?Communication,? How well does the team communicate with each other?? Are they open and honest?

2. ?Coordination,?? Is it a coordinated effort? Does everyone know what all the team members are doing?

3. ?Balance of member contributions,? Is everyone contributing to the group

4. ?Mutual support,? Is there a feeling of mutual support?

When you have these 4 components working, then your team is on the road to success.


Yes, there are ? to avoid the downside of teamwork be sure to select your team members very carefully.

Loafing on the job causes friction. Team members who do not participate fully in the project, or as the saying goes do not ?get all in?, are often planting the seeds of dissension and arguments. Teamwork then has the unintended effect of fermenting hostility towards each other.

In the words of the blog :

Teamwork is fostered by respecting, encouraging, enthusing, caring for people, not exploiting or dictating to them.

At the heart of this approach is?love and spirituality?which helps bring mutual respect, compassion, and humanity to work. People working for each other in teams is powerful force, more than skills, processes, policies. More than annual appraisals, management-by-objectives, the ?suits? from head office; more than anything.?Teams usually become great teams when they decide to do it for themselves?- not because someone says so. Something inspires them maybe, but ultimately the team decides. It?s a team thing. It has to be. The team says: ?Okay. We can bloody well make a difference. We will be the best at what we do. We?ll look out for each other and succeed ? for us ? for the team. And we?ll make sure we enjoy ourselves while we?re doing it?. And then the team starts to move mountains.


Are you starting a home business online?? Confused about how to get started?

For the best online sales training to get your business started consider joining a team or creating your own team.

To Your Success,

Corinne Floyd?

P.S. Please ?Like?, share with your friends, and leave your comments.? I look forward to hearing from you.

P.P.S. If you are inspired to learn how to find an online business team visit SBI Blogger.

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