Thursday, May 17, 2012

Why Your Website Should Go Mobile | Sphinx Web Design Experts

I was riding public transit the other day. I glanced up after sending an email from my iPhone and saw passengers toiling away either on their Apple, Android, or Blackberry device. There wasn?t a newspaper in sight.

After disembarking I entered a caf? for a quick latte and witnessed tables full of patrons on iPads and various tablets without one laptop in the vicinity. I made my way from the caf? and entered my building where I hopped on the elevator with others. As soon as the doors closed we bowed our heads (as if we had entered sacred ground) to scroll through our smartphones to pass the seconds it took to arrive at our respective floors. An hour later, in the gym, my cardio session was distracted by fellow fitness enthusiasts who perched themselves on treadmills and stationary bikes, not clutching bottles of water, but mobile internet devices.

The revolution has not been televised, it has gone mobile.

However, it?s not too late to join the party. There are over 5 billion mobile subscribers in the world to date and many of them are accessing the internet primarily through their smartphones and tablets. By 2015, it is projected that over 50% of off ALL online traffic will come from mobile devices. You have time to get on board. We have provided some additional evidence here, as to why your business should have a mobile website:

1. Local Search

The mobile revolution was spawned from convenience. Google provides different search results for mobile users than desktops to account for their exact current location. You can be out on the street and decide within a split second about where to grab lunch, read reviews, make an online reservation, and get GPS enabled directions/recommendations via walking or local transit. If you want the public to find your business on the spur of the moment and convert to paying customers, then your website needs to be mobile optimized.

2. Attention Span

Practically everyone has ADD when it comes to browsing the internet. Studies show that you have 7 seconds to capture someone?s attention on your landing page before they decide to go elsewhere. If these visitors have to scroll through columns of small text to get to the goods, they will leave. Make sure your mobile home page doesn?t read like the small print of a pharmaceutical ad. Instead, put your ?best foot forward? the second customers access your mobile website by displaying clear Calls to Action only.

3. mCommerce

If you are selling products/services online, then there is no question that your website should be optimized for mobile use. 33% of smartphone users have purchased or would consider purchasing through their mobile device. The math speaks for itself.

4. More Cost Effective than Apps

For small and medium-sized businesses, creating an app can be very costly. A recent Nielson study has shown that more mobile shoppers are accessing mobile websites to make purchases than through apps they?ve downloaded to their smartphones. This means that you can bypass the expense of app development and focus on creating a mobile website for your business.

5. Appearance

One of the most obvious considerations is appearance. For example, if you are using Flash on your home page, those with Apple devices will not be able to view the content. In addition, many images which appear attractive on your desktop can look cluttered on a smartphone, if they even load at all. Optimize to ensure your mobile webpage loads quickly and loads well.

6. You Can Still Be First

Depending on your industry, the chances are you still have the opportunity to be one of the first among your competition with a mobile site. In fact, it?s staggering how many businesses have yet to optimize their websites considering the popularity of mobile devices. Create your mobile website today for more profit tomorrow.


The future direction of the internet has already been mapped out. No crystal ball needed this time. Take the success of your business into your own hands by having a professional internet marketing company build your mobile website today.

Article by Marcus Maraih, Content Development,

Post from: SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources

Why Your Website Should Go Mobile

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